P&G and The Germ Academy, Learning The Dangerous Germs

4/28/2013 11:42:00 AM

Cleanliness is very important in our daily lives. Mommies are very particular on family hygiene.  As a mommy, we make sure that the deadly germs will not spread on our household.

P&G has a different approach on spreading the good news (take note not spreading the germs) on avoiding and knowing about germs. Recently, they invited press people including bloggers to talked about the danger of germs.

Procter & Gamble (P&G), with the largest lineup of leading brands in consumer packaged goods, launches a campaign to drive awareness and action in fighting germs and bacteria. This summer, P&G targets to educate and empower households, particulary mothers, as they play a key role in ensuring the well-being of everyone in the household.


Clint Navales, P&G Philippines’ Country Communications Leader, discusses the facts and figures on germs that we encounter every day during the P&G Germ Academy media event. According to him, “This is the first time we are presenting our Antibac line as a cleaning system because it is not enough to protect against germs by using just one product. We have to think holistically and determine all possible germ hotspots because it can happen at different points and different times of the day. With the P&G Germ Academy, we’re hoping to give consumers sufficient knowledge about germ protection and offer them the right product solutions that can aid them in maintaining a germ-free environment at home.”


Women Involved in Nation Building’s (WIN) Corazon del Mundo talks about her experiences in dealing with Filipino communities and how they need to improve their hygiene and sanitation practices. “We at WIN are passionate in educating women, particularly mothers, to promote proper hygiene and sanitation to their children to fulfill UN’s Millenium Development Goals of reducing child mortality and promoting maternal health. Now, with the P&G Germ Academy, we are giving them access to information that is targeted to all Filipino mothers to help them improve cleanliness and sanitation at home.” Ms. Corazon del Mundo wants to deliver this kind of approach on their advocacy plus she wants to include the module of Mr. Clint on promoting hygiene in some depressed areas.

PAMET President Romeo Joseph Ignacio discusses about germs and diseases that we might get from them during the P&G Germ Academy media event. “We at PAMET have a good partnership with P&G for over 31 years; from preventing disease transmission in communities such as the use of Safeguard for hand-washing to promoting the importance of good hygiene. With the information shared by P&G from the Germ Academy, we can have more information to share and ensure a healthy living community.

They discussed about the dangerous germs that are present in our house and they are almost everywhere. According to their research, the Phone Receiver has 80% infections rates which we need to be very careful and should be clean always for our kids, they are the ones who always grab the phone everytime it rings. Another spots that made my eyes grew bigger was the kitchen faucet, TV Remote, Doorknob and Bath Faucet has which has 50% of germs.  I couldn't imagine that, because those are the parts of the house that my kids always touch.

The luminometer measures the contamination level of items and surfaces. It particularly measures Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy molecule found in all animal, plant, bacterial, yeast, and mold cells.

Oh, I guess I need to be vigilant on this kind of battle, of course with the help of some P&G products that kills germs that producess sickness for my family. During the event they used the Luminometer-measures the contamination, and they found out that one of the guest's cellphone has the highest contamination level ranging I guess around 3,000, thus, the range should be around 500. Oh, what a germs!

P&G provides solutions and has a strong line-up of antibacterial products to help maintaining germ-protection.

One of the realization during the discussion that trigger in my side, that previously my parents in our old house, we used bar detergents on washing the dishes. According to Mr. Clint Navales, using bar is not advisable for the dishes because they don't have the ability to remove grease substance that the dishwashing liquid have. If you use bar you will notice that there is a white spot left on the dishes that will cause germs/bacteria that will lead your family food poison.

The event was very interesting, enlighten that hygiene should be there all the time to have a healthy living. So, mommies your family are germ free already?

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